Leadership Is Upside Down & Brain-friendly leadership
For this book series, I was the Creative Director for the Book Launch Event Exhibition that took place for ‘Leadership Is Upside Down’ in 2014 and for ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ Virtual Book Launch in 2021. In the 2014 exhibition, I managed a team of designers as we created interactive visuals to match the branding and concepts of the book.

Engage Me Book
Have you ever wondered what engages people at work? Have you ever explored and shared with your boss what engages you? Are you curious to know what has changed in terms of how engagement is viewed from the perspective of neuroscience? This book is inspirational, instructive and easy to read. Join in the wisdom of our 25 faces of engagement. They are just like you and me. What do they want? What do you want? If the engagement scores in your team are not what you desire and you want a quick reference to engagement at work, read 'Engage me', get inspired, share it with others and make the change.
I was the photographer, designer & created the cover art. Illustrations by Beni McDonald.

other Books
I have designed, contributed my photography and edited the titles below.