Journey as a Co-Founder
Relmi Damiano is the Creative & Managing Director at the About my Brain Institute. Watch her 2024 TEDx Talk, “Biohacking Your Creative Self” where she addresses the detrimental impact of digital distractions and advocates for cultivating imagination and creativity.
Relmi's career began in 2005 as a young artist and photographer, quickly gaining recognition and exhibiting her work in prestigious shows such as the Melbourne and Sydney Art Shows, as well as in galleries across Australia. With formal training in digital media, graphic, and brand design, she has worked with clients in Australia, Europe, and the USA. 
She co-founded the About my Brain™ Institute in 2009 with her mother, renowned leadership expert, author and scientist Silvia Damiano. Their vision is to democratise leadership and neuroscience by transforming how we develop the human, the leader, and the creative within us all. Relmi has played a pivotal role in the creative direction and global operations of the institute, creating products, educational content, and co-facilitating various programs and retreats.
In 2010, Relmi and Silvia produced the first “Brain Art Project”, an international competition and exhibition that attracted over 1000 participants from around the world, exploring neuroscience, creativity, mental health, and wellbeing. This project highlighted the importance of a holistic, design-driven, and interdisciplinary approach to applying brain science to daily life.
In 2011, Relmi was invited to lecture and mentor emerging designers, initially at Billy Blue College of Design and most recently at The University of Sydney. Since then, she has been an associate faculty member, teaching subjects such as Design Innovation and Creativity, Branding, Venturing & MVP, Design Thinking, User Experience Design, Design Practice, and Management.
Relmi's design, digital strategy, and artistic expertise, combined with Silvia's extensive experience in transforming leaders and cultures, led to the establishment of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model, Methodology & Assessment Suite, and the publication of the ‘Leadership Is Upside Down’ book in 2013. They coined the term ‘Brain-Friendly Cultures’ to promote leadership practices that are more conscious, ethical, compassionate, healthy, integrated, imaginative, intuitive, and inspirational. 
Since its inception, the About my Brain™ Institute has certified thousands of practitioners and coaches globally in the i4 Neuroleader™ Methodology through their ICF CCE accredited programs. They have organised numerous events and retreats, as well as delivering brain-friendly programs in organisations worldwide. From 2015 to 2018, they hosted the i4 Tales Conference & Design Exhibition as part of the Vivid Lights Festival in Sydney, attracting over 250 participants each year to discuss these topics.
In 2018, they self-funded and produced the award-winning documentary ‘Make Me A Leader,’ featuring experts and scientists who shared how leaders can optimise brain and body performance to thrive in the 21st Century.
Relmi has also trained as a yoga and meditation teacher and explored various well-being, spiritual healing and biohacking modalities, including breath work, dance, neurofeedback, and more. In 2022, she studied under the mentorship of globally recognised expert Rohini Moradi, cultivating her intuitive skills to become an Akashic Records Practitioner.
Driven by her creative roles and passion for wellness, leadership development, biohacking, creativity, intuitive growth and spiritual intelligence, Relmi firmly believes that activating one's imagination and intuition can unlock a clear sense of purpose and fulfilment in life.
My role has been instrumental in the development of the About my Brain Institute. I have established, implemented and worked on the following areas
of this global business:
- brand identity across all channels
- business model generation / processes
- customer service experience
- service / product design
- event / retreat / conference design
- project management
- marketing strategies across channels
- book & publication design
- UX/UI design for an eLearning platform & LMS
- front-end development support
- film production and art direction
- instructional design for leadership training
- training / on-boarding clients
- mentoring / training / managing staff
- co-creator of the i4 Neuroleader™ Methodology
- designer of the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment
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